Monday 2 September 2013

How PayPal echeck works?

We were using physical money when trading in the past. But now it is little bit different. Now lot of transactions takeplace through internet. Where we use online transaction processors to do these transactions. 

There are few payment processors available where we can recieve and send funds throug them. PayPal,Payza Skrill, SolidTrustPay are the main payment processors. I have used Payza,Skrill and STP previously and i know how they work. But paypal is new to me and i haven't done any transaction through it. When i start bubblews i got the need for paypal. But when i asked from my friends about paypal they told that it also working in the same manner as other processors. But when i asked them about echecks they were upset and they didn't knew about it.

So still there are several questions in my mind which didn't got any answers yet. What should we do when we recieve a echeck? Is there something to done by our side to e check get processed? Or we just have to wait and e check will get cleared automatically? I am confused with these questions in mind.

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