Monday 2 September 2013

$10 Success for a Newbie

At first I thought earning money here at bubblews would be difficult, but I was wrong
September 2 2013, is the 3rd day since I started posting news/articles here at bubblews. So far I've earned $10 (142 likes, 697 views and 62 comments). I am quite happy about it because this is my first time joining this kind of site, where I can share my thoughts and ideas, in which I am not really good at.
Since I am a newbie to this kind of field I can already consider it as quite a success despite my lacking writing skills, and because of this success I will do my best to fill in the improvements I need
All that was made possible because of the people, who give time to view, like and put their comments about the articles that I wrote. I owe it to you guys ;-)
thank you!!

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