Why Google Images not Indexing Pictures on my Blog

I almost forgot about the referral traffic from Google Images until a few days ago when I checked the traffic stats of my new blog. The visits from Google Images account for nearly 10% of that blog and it is currently the best referral source as well. Then, I came back to check if my pictures have got indexed on Google Images yet by typing site:fun2for.blogspot.com on Google Images search bar. Amazingly, none of the pictures were indexed. My blog is 2 year old and there is no way Google considered it as a new blog. So, what was my mistake then?

Used Some Tips And Solve The Problem

  1. All pictures should be hosted on your own server.
  2. Make sure your robots.txt file is not restricting Googlebot-Image from crawling pictures on your website.
  3. Go To Blogger Settings and click search preferences and Disabled Custom robots.txt.
  4. Now Click To Setting - Other Site feed 
  5. Allow Blog Feed Full
  6. Post Feed Redirect URL ( Remove )
  7. Post Feed Footer ( Remove )
  8. You Don't Used space In To  Images Name ( EXP : Nice  Pic ) It's wrong . Your Pic Name ( EXP: Nice-pic ) 
  9. Resubmit Sitemap And 24 Hours Your all Images Is Index .

blogger sitemap problem Webmaster Tool How To Submit Sitemap

How To Submit Sitemap 

1- Sign into Google Webmaster Tools

2- Add your Blog to Google Webmaster Tools.

3-Approve your Blog by the method they tell you.

4-Click your blog in Google Webmaster Tools.

5- Click on Sitemaps and Click ADD/TEST A SITE MAP

6- Write "atom.xml?redirect=false&max-results=500" in the text box. And click Add Site Map.

7- Again click on ADD/TEST A SITE MAP.

8- Write "posts/feeds/full" in the text box and click Add Site Map.

9- Wait for 10 -15 minutes.

10- You are done.

For Blogs with posts less than 1000

Similarly if your post count is greater than 1000 but less than 1500 then you will submit the following sitemaps and so on


Some Sitemap Here Copy And Past and Submit .


Why is my sitemap index status Pending

HI Friends .
I Have A Blogspot . Here My Blog Sitemap Pending Problem . I Solve This Problem .

I submitted my sitemap in Google webmaster tools . Here Have a my blog post 640 i submit my site map this ( atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 ) But My Sitemap Is Pending .i Search why my sitemap is pending ? Google Have no Good Answer  .
Are you looking for a tool that can crawl the Web to search, find, and fetch Web pages? If so, why not consider Googlebot? In this article, you will learn more about this Google user-agent as well as understand what functions and options it has for users.
Googlebot is used to search the Internet. It uses Web crawling software by Google, which allows them to scan, find, add and index new web pages. In other words, "Googlebot is the name of the search engine spider for Google. Googlebot will visit sites which have been submitted to the index every once in a while to update its index."
Note: Googlebot only follows HREF "Hypertext Reference" links--which indicates the URL being linked to--and SRC "Source" links. With a list of webpage URLs, Googlebot will use Web-crawling robots to collect information to build a searchable index for Google's Indexer.

Used Some Tip And Solve This Problem 

1:-  Go To Google Webmaster Tool 

2 :- Click In To Your Site In Google Webmaster Tool

3 :- Click To Configuration

4 :- Click In To Configure URL parameters »

Here Open New Page in to Google Webmaster Tool Here Show 2 option ( 1 ) M And ( 2 ) show Comment
5 :-  Let Googlebot decide  Edit / Reset . ( M ) And (Show Comment )You Click on Reset .
You Go to Sitemap And Submit Sitemap now your problem is Solve in 3 or 5 Hours .Here Show Your Status Index your Page .

How To Make Money With Google Adsense

How does Google Adsense Work?

For an example, let’s say you built an informational website for people who like to play Paintball and want to use Google Adsense to make some money off of it. Google Adsense will then generate ads from your content so they catch the eyes of people who are interested in paintball. In turn they might display an ad for a company that sells paintball guns and equipment. Now if someone visiting your site sees that ad and clicks it, then you get paid any where from 10 cents to a couple of dollars just for them clicking on the ad. Now think about if your website is getting a couple hundred visitors a day then those clicks can potentially add up into some serious extra money.

How to Signup for Google Adsense 

Like I said before Google Adsense is completely free to sign up for but in order for your website to be accepted it needs to meet the following criteria.

Your domain name must be active for at least 2 months before you apply.
This means you have to have your domain name bought and registered for at least 2 months.and up to 1000  View  per day .about domain name . What is domain name ? domain name is www.yoursite.com you Used Blogger Domain For Free . WWW.yoursite.blogspot.com this domain is free . Used www.blogger.com make a blog for free .

Used Some Tips And Make Money With Google Adsense

1 :- Make A Blog Or Website 
2 :- Don't used Copyright Data 
3 :- Don't Used Adult Video And Images 
4 :- Share our blog in  social network means Facebook , Google Plus , twitter Etc...
5 :- used Google Webmaster Tool make a sitemap and submit sitemap. 
6 :- Your Blog Or Website per day view up to 1000 .
7 :- Apply to Google AdSense and google replay in to 24 hours email your acct is approved or not .

Google plus Problems Your profile is suspended while it is under review

Your profile is suspended while it is under review How to Get Your Suspended Google+ Profile Reinstated.

My G+ account was suspended for more than a month, and I still have no idea why. But I can't say I missed much. UPDATE: Google responds.

I first noticed the problems about a 5 Day ago. I tried to promote a blog post on Google Plus but nothing happened when I clicked the G+1 button.Three days ago I discovered the ugly truth. Google+ had suspended my account.

Used Some Tips And Unlock Your Google plus Profile .
(1) Go To Google Plus Profile .
(2) You have On Google Page ? yes Go To Google Page Or Not You have Google Page . Make The New Page .
(3) Go To Google Page Click On The Page And Make The New Post And Share .
(4) Refresh The Page and Your Google Profile Open In New Tab You see Your Profile Is Unlock Make This New Post And Share On Your Google Plus Timeline . 
Enjoy The Fun Thanks For Coming ..
Plzz Comments Here You Unlock Your Profile Or Not .

10 Tips To Get Google Adsense in Pakistan

1. Buy your own Top level domain and a reputable webhosting service, examples are Godaddy or Hostgator. If you’ll buy cheap webhosting from an ordinary webhost, initially Google might accept your application but after some time when your site traffic increases Google will surly ban your Adsense account because of the slow server speed.
2. Second and most important thing now a days specially after Google Panda Update is choosing a theme or template for your site. Its better to buy premium theme rather than free themes because of SEO optimization and other rich features. This way you can tell Google that you are serious about your blogging profession and you are not a spammer.
3. Some of you might not agree with me but try to use blogger as your blogging platform and avoid WordPress. After Google banned thousands of Pakistani bloggers Adsense accounts i have manually checked nearly 100 blogs and believe me or not more than 90% blogs were on WordPress and very few Top level Domain blogger blogs were banned by Google (as we all know blogger is owned by Google so you can understand).
4. Register your domain on your own name and address and provide same name and address when you apply for Adsense account. Its better to provide working Telephone number, full address including postal code as well.
5. Wait for at-least 6 months before applying for Google Adsense. Yes I know this is the most painful step and you don’t want to wait this long but friends we are not alone in this case. China and India are also with us and Google is not accepting applications from these countries before 6 months.
6. First 6 months of your blog wants real effort and hard work. Write as much quality and unique content as you can. This will surly leave a good impression on Adsense team and no doubt they want to partnership with you.
7. Make sure you blog has neat and clean design and easy to find navigation system. Recently Google has banned many Pakistani bloggers account saying that your blog is not providing user experience.
8. Never apply for Google Adsense if your blog has less content and is not optimized according to Google terms and Conditions. Make sure your blog has Privacy policy, Copyright Policy, Disclaimer, About Us and Contact Us pages before applying for Adsense.
9. Never try to create Adsense account via third party websites like Flixya or Docstoc. If you create account from these websites and put ads onto your blog than you are wasting your blog. In future Google will surly catch you and will ban your account.
10. Make sure that your blog has at-least 300 unique visitors per day before applying for Adsense. If you blog’s traffic’s main source is Facebook than there are little chances that Google will accept your application. Try to optimize your blog so that it gets natural traffic from search engines rather than social networking websites.

Date of blood pressure control

But it is Essential to Eat a Protein-Rich Kaniyenr Avaciy That can Date. The Level of Vitamins, Minerals and Nutritional Products Which are Filled. A Growing Body of Consistent, Well-Being and the Need for Everyone to Eat Periccaiyai.

Single Sugars are Easy to Digest and Full of pulp date. Eating fresh, and power is Available to the Body. That's Why I Take the Fruit of the Fast Closing Date. Date, Easy to Digest fiber. From laparoscopic, Eliminate bad Fats to Absorb the Energy Has to Date.

Panketukkiratu Filter Chemicals Causes cancer in Perunkutar date. The Disease is antiBody Tenins Date. Infection, Blood out, the Body and the Possibilities of Usnamatal tenins. Vitamin A, Which has a Number of date. It's eye View, and intestinal Health, Carumattirkum Necessary.

Best of Disease oil Lut, C - Chand's and filled With Beta-carotene. They Defend utarcelkalai and Adverse pre - Virattuvatilum Panketukkiratu Radicals. Bowel, Throat, breast, Lung, and elements of Gastroenteritis can Work Against Cancers that Attack.

Provide abundant iron Bestowed Date. To Date is 0.90 mg iron per 100 grams. Iron ore, the Red color of Blood, vakippatakum role in the Development of Himokulop. Panketukkiratu Determining the Amount of oxygen in the blood to Carry it.

In Particular Mineral is Potassium Level. Ore Body is Used to Provide The Necessary Power. Utarcelkalum, Stay With valavalap Body Needs Potassium. And Plays a role in Controlling Blood pressure and Heartbeat. Stroke, Heart diseases prevent the preserves.

Calcium, Manganese, Copper, Magnesium is as Essential Minerals. Many of Calcium to Bones and Teeth. Plays a role in Tumor Prevention Dressing pulse and Blood. Civappanukkal Copper plays a role in Blood production. Magnesium helps in the Growth of bones. B - Complex Vitamins periccam Mikuntullatu of The Fruit

Escape from the summer sun

The Star of fire. Sun is Hard on The People and Unrelenting. The only escape from the Sun's influence various Diseases can attack and Escape from Physical injury. This method is known as a sop to Veidt , summer Marippokum as a Gift.

Drenched in Sweat, the Body Loses Nutrients, salt. Camaccirakki Body Temperature and to Protect the Coconut Water is Magic. Whenever Ilanirai Drink in the Sun May Need to Give Good Results.

Jelly, Cucumber, Tarppucani Good Eating. Pincukalilum Cucumber, Fruits with Water, Karpo Hydrate ,Protein, Calcium, Minerals atikamirukkinrana. Kirni Good Eating fruit.

Greens, vegetables, Fruits add a lot of Food, Vegetarian Food and Very Suitable for the Summer Period. With Varieties of Potato, Coconut, Groundnut, honey, jam, Water and Some Food. Paccariciyai taking Except raw Rice is Fine.

Spicy, Fried foods, Salty, sour, Tuvarppu, to Reduce fat. Steam-Cooked Foods not a problem. Beer, Water Grabbucket pieces of the Food is Good. Blackgram, pacipparuppu, Lentil, wheat, Ragi Add a lot.

Clean drinking water is High in Summer. How Many Liters of Utalnilaikkerpa Gradually Their Drinking water During the Summer May Have. Grapes, Sweet Lime, orange, pineapple, lemon, more water and fruit to eat tarppucani PG summer vemmaiyai virattiyatittu body, the body will kulukuluppa. In order to minimize the warmth Smooth, lemon carum have added salt.

In the Summer Morning, Evening, Night Bathing is Often one of the Available Time. As the Face, Hands, Feet Washed and Will Protect them From Heat Damage. Mainly the Head outside Wearing a hat, wearing cooling required classes.

I can’t give solutions to all of life’s problems, doubts

I can’t give solutions to all of life’s problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.
I can’t change your past with all it’s heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.
I can’t keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.
Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.
Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.
I can’t prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.
I can’t give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.
I can’t keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.
I can’t tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend .

Urdu poetry with picture and wright

Karo Phir Sy Koi Wada,
Kabhi Na Phir Bicharny Ka..

Tumhain Kya Farq Parta Hai,

Chalo Phir Sy Mukar Jana... ☆T@NhIy@N☆

->Nice lines.
"Insan kehta hai Khushi aaye to main Muskuraon..!
"Khushi kehti hai tu Muskuraye to me aaon..!

"Keep Smiling"

Jee To Chahta Hy Tujhy Cheer K Rakh Doon Aay Dil .! Na Wo Rahy Tujh Mein Na Tu Rahy Mujh Mein... "T@NhIy@N"

Doob Jati Hen Kashtiyan Jab Atey Hen Tufan
Yadein Reh Jati Han Bichar Jate Han Insan
Yad Rakho To Bohat Qarib Paogy
Bhool Jaogy To

Chittar v Khao Gay...: "T@NhIy@N"

...Hath Uthaou'N aur Tera Naam Na Loon, Bhalla Mumkin Hay...?
!...Tu Meri DuAaou'N Main Shamil Hay, Aameen ki Trah.

Gud ni8 jan

Naseeb se ziyada Qeemti cheez Dua hoti hai.
Q. k,
jab zindagi mein sab kuch Badal jaye,
Tab insan k pass sirf Dua hi aisi cheez Bachti hai,
jo Naseeb Badal Deti hai.
*Bas Ek Chhoti Si DuA Hai...
. *Jinn
Lamho'n Mein aap Hansty Hain...

Woh LamheY kabhi khatam na hon ("Ameen")

_.->Zindagi kis k naam karni cHahiye ?
"Us k naam jo Dil ki dharknon me hy...
"Yaa phir...."Us k naam jo Haathon ki lakeeron me hy"

Jawab zaroor dena<-._?with reasn

Doctor Adeeb Rizvi
Head Of "S.I.U.T"
Civil Hospital Karachi
Jo Dunya Mein Kidney K Qabil Tareen Doctor Hain..
Unhon Ne Sub Se Apeel Ki Hai K
Iftar Mein Cold Drinks
Pepsi, Coca Cola, 7up, Dew etc
Na Piyain
Kion K
Is K Istemal Se Kidney (Gurday) Expire Ho Jate Hain..
So Don't Drink Any Cold Drink Plz..
Specially At Iftar
Use Fresh Juices etc.
A Public Service Msg From:


Shikwa kisi ka na faryad kisi ki

Shikwa kisi ka na faryad kisi ki
Honi thi yunhi zindgi barbad kisi ki
Ehsas mita qismat miti mit gai umeden
Sab mit gaya par mit na saki yad kisi ki... ☆T@NhIy@N☆


Lamha lamha waqt guzar jaye ga
Rooh ka jism se rishta toot jaye ga
Abhi waqt hai 2,4 sms kar do
Kal ka kya pata,
Ganja 1 sms pr kitna tax lgaye ga .

"Ho gai subha,
Guzar gai raat!
"Duaon se karen is,
khobsurt din ka aghaaz!
"Duaon me rakhna,
hamen b Yaad!
"Yehi Dua,
"Yehi Iltija,
"Yehi he aaj ki
piyari Baat!
"Sada khush Rahain,
Ap apno k sath!

Assalam-o-Alaikum <subah bakhyr>:)

funny Ek Pathan Roz Rat Ko Tahjad

Ek Pathan Roz Rat Ko Tahjad K Waqt Uthta Or Khuda Se Ro Ro K Dua Karta
Khudaya Muje Olad De De 15 Saal Tak Girgira k Dua Mangta Raha
Yaha Tak K Ek Din Us K Pas Farishta Aya Or Kaha:
Tuje Khuda Ka Wasta Ha
Shadi To Kr Le.

1 larki motorway road pe teez raftar se car chala rahi thi to motorway

1 larki motorway road pe teez raftar se car chala rahi thi to motorway p0lice ne chalan krdia
Police:bibi ap itni teez gari q chala rahi hein?
Larki: sorry wo agay wali gari me 1 khobsoorat larka he usey dekhne k lye.
Police:bibi wo hamary Haripur CITY k'' MTG 11 '' ki gari hai,
Khayal se drive kerna
Kafi lrkiyan isi chakkar me accident me jan de chuki hain-)(',') .-._.-.
<) )> '-._.-'
_/ \_ Jal mat

Tu apna naam likh ly :-)